You might notice I used the word recently unemployed.
That’s important, because your memories are still fresh and your desire to recover is greatest.
The more passionate you are the faster the recovery process works.
My Career Recovery Program literally has a 100% success rate.
I help recently unemployed people quickly find higher caliber jobs.

Everyone who has gone through it has achieved at least 1 interview with a targeted company. And in most cases, my clients gladly accepted their offers after using their newly acquired negotiating techniques. Only a few clients settled, accepting offers that “paid the bills” and moved into roles that were not ideal to their capabilities.
You want the right solution, the right coach, someone that you’re compatible with and has the solutions you need. I want the right kind of client that’s hungry, coachable, and willing to put the hard work in to achieve maximum results in the shortest amount of time.
If you or someone you know has been impacted by job loss, this is the proven solution. I know what it’s like to go through unexpected unemployment alone.
↓ Downsizing ↓
↓ Reductions In Force ↓
↓ Resource Leveling ↓
These are some of the life changing names. Not knowing where to turn, who to trust, or what companies or coaches to hire.
You want a company and coach that stands behind their service. I’m Career Coach Craig Ancel and I stand behind my service.
I look forward to working with you on your Career Recovery Journey.

There are thousands of career coaches out there. How do you know who’s really looking out for you?
Career Recovery with Coach Craig offers free expert advice.
No hidden price tag.

Are you unhappy at work?
In a negative/toxic environment?
Considering looking for a better job?
Don’t leave this site - help is here! We’ll follow the same process used to help recently unemployed people quickly land an interview, only the sense of urgency differs. Don’t settle and be complacent. Use your passion to improve your life! You can get a higher caliber job faster when we work together.
“In these uncertain times, I wanted to be prepared, should a job shift occur. So, I tried a resume writing service, it was crap. When I complained they gave me a ‘senior resume writer’ - more crap. When Craig described the Resume Master Class course content he provided more knowledge and value to me than [the resume writing service] did during the whole process.”
Rob, engineer for a Fortune 500 company
“The Resume Master Class was a wake-up call for me. I cannot begin to describe the importance and help the RMC provided me in transforming my resume into something presentable. I also reached out to Craig and his team for some one-on-one coaching. I cannot begin to express the help and support and benefits of doing this. I highly recommend reaching out to Craig and his team and watching the Resume Master Class from start to finish.”
Madison, digital manager and web designer

Looking for a promotion? Or a potential career transition?
Look no further.
We’ve got the tools. You’ve got the talent.
Career Growth Made Easy
From work tips to emotional intelligence, Craig covers all things self-improvement.
One-on-One Coaching
Achieve high-performance growth, interview confidence, or promotional success.
Free Resource Downloads
We have a dozen free guides and templates to make your career growth, well, easy.
Resume Master Class
Whether you’re looking for work or looking to stay current, attend our Resume Master Class.
Give Us Feedback
We value our listeners. Tell us what you want to see on our show or our website!
Cover Letter Master Class
Get your resume in the right hands, start your job journey with our Cover Letter Master Class.

Did you know some hiring companies begin forming an opinion of your worth from your resume? That’s right – even if you get the interview, no matter how well you do, your pay may be limited.
Don’t let your resume hold you back from getting an interview or being the reason you get a low-pay offer.
The time is now! Be prepared for that “What if” day. Better yet, have a resume and cover letter ready to apply for a promotion, a new job, or a career transition. Where else can you get two master classes with lifetime access?